2025 International Conference on Digital Technology and Educational Psychology(DTEP 2025)
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Prof. Dave Towey

University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China

Research area: Metamorphic Testing, Adaptive Random Testing, Technology-enhanced Teaching & Learning, Fault Localization, Computer Security

Brief: Dave received the BA and MA degrees in computer science, linguistics, and languages from the University of Dublin, Trinity College; the MEd degree in education leadership from the University of Bristol; and the PhD degree in computer science from The University of Hong Kong. He is a professor of Computer Science, and serves as the deputy head of the School of Computer Science, and the deputy director of the International Doctoral Innovation Centre. His current research interests include software testing (especially adaptive random testing, for which he was amongst the earliest researchers who established the field, and metamorphic testing), computer security, and technology-enhanced education. He co-founded the ICSE International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing in 2016. He is a fellow of the HEA, a senior member of the IEEE, and a member of the ACM.

Assoc. Prof. Teoh Ai Ping

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Research area: Enterprise Risk Management, Enterprise Systems, Forensic IT Auditing and Cyber security, IT Governance, Organizational Performance, Digital-based Education. 

Brief: Dr. Teoh Ai Ping holds the qualifications of Doctor of Business Administration, Master of Science (Information Technology), and Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons.). She is also a Certified Risk and Compliance Management Professional by Risk Compliance Association (US) and is Certified in Training with HRDF Malaysia. Via her membership with professional bodies, i.e. Malaysia Institute of Accountants, Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia, Association for Computing Machinery US, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers US, Dr. Teoh continuously upgrades her knowledge and skills with up-to-date development in her areas of expertise.

TItle: Navigating the Business School Journey: A Case Study of Crafting an Online Postgraduate Program

Abstract: In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, postgraduate programs are increasingly moving online. However, the transition from traditional classroom teaching to online platforms presents unique challenges. This case study explores a holistic and cohesive approach to developing a postgraduate online program, specifically focusing on business management courses. With updated curriculum and all-inclusive learner support systems, we create an engaging learning environment that empowers open distance learners to actively construct knowledge. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the open distance learning approach in delivering an online postgraduate program, emphasizing better understanding, problem-solving skills, and higher-level thinking. Through the lens of revised Bloom's taxonomy, we assess the impact of student-centered teaching and case discussions. Our findings highlight the potential of this approach in enhancing postgraduate education and fostering innovation in online learning.

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Assoc. Prof. Xie Ming

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

TItle: Science of Mind: New Foundation of Artificial Intelligence

Abstract: Does intelligence arise from brain or mind? The wrong answer to this question has led the research efforts into the wrong direction in the past decades. In this keynote speech, I will convince the audience about the astonishing truth which is to say that intelligence arises from mind but not from brain. This truth leads us to open the door toward achieving the science of mind which will be the new foundation of Artificial Intelligence. We know that Artificial Intelligence is regaining its wide popularity in recent years. On one hand, the importance of Artificial Intelligence is due to the availability of big data which is the result of the formation of large systems that are interconnected by various networks. On the other hand, robots and machines of tomorrow are urgently in need of gaining self-intelligence which will enable them to efficiently perform difficult tasks, and even to free people from doing dangerous jobs. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence in the public minds or eyes, people are putting a very high level of interests on knowing the scientific solutions behind the understanding and capabilities of self-skills and self-intelligence. Hopefully, this keynote speech will help the audience to understand the true nature of Artificial Intelligence which interestingly establishes the foundation of the Science of Mind.
